Middle School



Middle school students are role models for younger students. As role models, they are expected to use manners, show kindness, and do their best in and out of the classroom. The following essential skills are taught, reinforced, and expected throughout every class.
Middle School Essential Skills

  1. Read with purpose (for knowledge and entertainment).
  2. Construct viable arguments (write and speak effectively: claim evidence, justification).
  3. Attend to precision (self edit, find own mistakes, read for understanding, produce quality work, and give best effort).
  4. Make sense of problems (and persevere solving them).
  5. Set and achieve goals (revisit and self reflect).
  6. Work collaboratively with others (work together to complete a task, to listen when others are speaking, to provide input, and to see Christ in each other).


Middle school religion focuses on building a relationship with the Blessed Trinity, and becoming empathetic servants of God through the themes of Catholic Social Teaching. 

Students begin sixth grade with a special mass at the beginning of school to receive their own bible.  These bibles are used throughout  The students will use these bibles throughout their middle school years and in their lives.  The religion curriculum for 6th grade includes an examination of Old Testament bible stories and characters that provide the foundation for our faith in Jesus as well as our Church’s liturgy, prayers, and teachings.  An overview of the Church’s social principle and how to apply them to our own lives will be given through service projects, walks, etc.

Seventh grade students continue with their bible studies. The religion curriculum for 7th grade includes an examination of the New Testament to help them better understand the world in which Jesus lived and how Mary and the Apostles carried out his work.  The students will read and contrast the four Gospels and understand how they came to be written.  An overview of the Church’s social principle and how to apply them to our own lives will be given through service projects, walks, etc.

The overall goal of the 8th grade religion curriculum is for the students to strengthen their understanding of the Catholic faith and grow in their relationship with God.  This is accomplished through the study of church history, Theology of the Body, preparation for their ACRE tests, completion of a variety of service projects through our Works of Mercy, along with completion of their Sacrament of Confirmation.

The language arts and literature classes provide a balance of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills essential for success in the 21st Century. The objectives of the program are to encourage a love of reading, improve written expression, increase fluency, develop vocabulary, comprehension, analytical, and writing skills. Students read and respond to short stories, novels, poetry, drama, non-fiction, and a variety of other texts. Students participate in whole-group and small group instruction, as well as an interactive grammar study and a robust writing curriculum. Students demonstrate knowledge through writing, projects, and formal tests. Students work independently and collaboratively to meet rigorous reading, writing, language, and communication standards.

Sixth grade students explore the following concepts: Statistics/Graphs, Decimals, Fractions, Perimeter/Area, Ratios/Rates/Percents, Coordinate Place, Expressions/Equations/Inequalities, and Positive/Negative numbers. Students use the online resource IXL to reinforce weekly standards.  There is a heavy emphasis on multiple choice questions and word problems to prepare them for MAP testing and  in the seventh grade.

Seventh grade students explore the following pre-Algebra concepts: Rational Number Operations, Proportional Relationships, Expressions/Equations/Inequalities, Percents, Angles/Triangles, Plane Geometry and Similarity, Surface Area, Volume, Data and Statistics, and Probability.. Students use the online resource IXL to reinforce weekly standards.  There is a heavy emphasis on multiple choice questions and word problems to prepare them for MAP testing in Aug, Jan, and April and the High School Placement Test in eighth grade.

Eighth grade students explore the following Algebra concepts: Multi-step Equations and Inequalities, Functions, Linear Equations (slope and graphing), Systems of Equations and Inequalities, Exponents, POlynomials/Factoring, and Quadratic Equations. Students use the online resource IXL to reinforce weekly standards.  There is a heavy emphasis on multiple choice questions and word problems to prepare them for MAP testing in Aug/Jan/April and  for the High School Placement Test in December and the Acuity test in late April.

Sixth grade science focuses on earth science. In addition to learning specific content, emphasis will be placed on the development and application of science process skills through hands-on activities that are designed to maintain interest as well as encourage the self-discovery of scientific concepts and sharpen critical thinking skills. Subjects covered include:

  • Safety in the science lab
  • Scientific skills and methods of inquiry
  • Engineering design process and STEM activities
  • Earth’s place in the universe: cycles of the moon; role of gravity
  • Earth’s systems: cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy
  • Earth and human activity: natural resources; natural hazards; methods of monitoring and minimizing human impact on the environment; evidence of global climate change

Seventh grade science focuses on life science. In addition to learning specific content, emphasis will be placed on the development and application of science process skills through hands-on activities that are designed to maintain interest as well as encourage the self-discovery of scientific concepts and sharpen critical thinking skills. Subjects covered include:

  • Safety in the science lab
  • Scientific skills and methods of inquiry
  • Engineering design process and STEM activities
  • Structure and function of unicellular and multicellular organisms; cell processes
  • Biological organization of organisms; how body systems interact
  • Photosynthesis and its role in the flow of energy within ecosystems
  • Ecosystems: interactions among organisms and their environment
  • Genetics: inheritance and variation of traits; chromosome theory; structure of DNA
  • Biological evolution and biodiversity; fossil records; comparison of embryological development; natural selection

Eighth grade science focuses on physical science. In addition to learning specific content, emphasis will be placed on the development and application of science process skills through hands-on activities that are designed to maintain interest as well as encourage the self-discovery of scientific concepts and sharpen critical thinking skills. Subjects covered include:

  • Safety in the science lab
  • Scientific skills and methods of inquiry
  • Engineering design process and STEM activities
  • Matter: atoms, elements, compounds, and molecules; physical and chemical properties of matter; organization of the periodic table of elements
  • Chemical reactions; conservation of mass
  • States of matter
  • Motion and force; Newton’s Laws of Motion; electromagnetic force and gravitational force
  • Factors affecting kinetic and potential energy
  • Conservation of energy and energy transfer
  • Wave properties: amplitude, reflection; absorption; transmission
  • Wave applications

The focus in 6th grade Social Studies includes an in-depth study of the Eastern Hemisphere and World Geography.  This class includes world history, culture, religions, and current events. Not only do students explore world history and geography, but they further develop skills as critical thinkers, writers, speakers, and listeners in the process. Sixth graders will discuss the first humans of the Neolithic Revolution, the Mediterranean world, Feudal Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic Caliphates (ca. 600 C.E. – ca. 1450). 

7th grade will discuss the Pre-colonial era of the Americas and the events leading to the Civil War. This will include climate, geography, culture, politics, and technological advancements that built the foundation of our government and its structure. 

The 8th grade will be discussing the post-Civil War Reconstruction of the United States, World War I & II, the Vietnam War, and the Cold War, up to the present day. 

Lessons will include comparative world religions and the influence of Catholicism during these times. Each day’s goal is to learn new things and explore new ways of thinking and questioning. Research projects, including Google Slides presentations, brochures, interviews, essays, and debates, also contribute to the inquiry-based learning environment.